Life After CMA


Whoever touches the life of the child touches the most sensitive point of a whole which has roots in the most distant past and climbs towards the infinite future.
— Maria Montessori

In the view of CMA, the most important outcomes for students can't be quantified by test scores, college acceptances, degrees or income level. The outcomes an authentic Montessori education aims to foster are:


These traits, however, do lead our students to success in their academic life and careers after graduation from CMA. Students take standardized tests as necessary for college admissions, and have attended a variety of colleges and universities including:

  • UC Berkeley, Boston Conservatory, Knox College, St. Mary University, Smith College, Vanderbilt University, University of Colorado, University of Illinois, University of Wisconsin and Wittenberg University. 
  • 61% were on the Honor List/Dean's List for three or more semesters as undergraduates. 
  • 46% graduated cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum laude.   

Because approximately 10% of CMA's student population have special needs, about 8-9% of our graduates attend trade schools or enroll in other educational programs beyond high school to assist them in their chosen work.  


Our students are free to explore a wide variety of interests both in and out of the classroom. This results in a truly wide array of chosen career paths among our alumni, including:

  • Animal Husbandry, Artist, Audio Specialist, Ballet, Civil Engineer, Computer Analysis, Researcher, Construction, Entrepreneur, Gardener, Composer, Music Professor, Nuclear Physicist, Retail Business, School Administrator, Secretary, Teaching, Truck Driver, Author